“Good Enough” is Good Enough

Week 20 with Baby Yanez. Here’s what I’m learning:

I’m learning that “good enough” is good enough.

Most of my lessons recently have been focused around the same concepts. But this one (at least I think) might hit home more for you.

For the first 18 weeks of Shay’s life, I ate a Quest Protein bar every morning for breakfast. I didn’t want to share that information with you, because I thought it would make me look less reputable as your Functional Nutrition Coach.

But then I remembered two things that I teach literally all my clients:

  1. If you prioritize whole foods the majority of the time, the minority makes less impact.

  2. Different seasons call for different strategies.

Why did I care so much about my breakfast not being ideal when the season I’m in (new motherhood) literally calls for calories, easy-to-eat foods … and protein?!

The reason is simple: I was letting the feeling that I needed to be perfect to set the example get in the way of a real-life lesson… Good enough is good enough.

What does this have to do with you?

Where are you letting the idea that it has to be perfect stop you from doing “good enough”?

Does the season you are in right now call for flexibility in your strategy?

So what can you do about it?

What if, instead of forcing it to look a certain way, you looked at where you can make the most impact and do that first?

For me, that was accepting that eating a protein bar for breakfast wasn’t ideal long term, but it was good enough for the season I was in.

For you, maybe it is accepting that while you could cook every single thing of every meal, it might make life less stressful to buy the frozen veggies, chicken sausages, or microwaveable rice pouches.

First, I recognize this is easier said than done alone, so if you want support on this, I’m here to do just that!

Second, take it slooooooow. One thing at a time.


It’s Okay to Change Your Mind


It Doesn’t Have to be Figured Out Right Now