Top Nutrients for Postpartum Recovery & Where to Find Them

Hey, mama! Congrats on bringing new life into this world – you’re a badass! Now that you’re embarking on your postpartum journey, it's time to prioritize your recovery. Your body has been through some major changes (aka the most athletic event of your life, whether you had a vaginal birth or C-section), and getting the right nutrients is key to feeling like yourself again (or better). In this blog post, we'll dive into the top nutrients you need for a kickass postpartum recovery and where you can find them. Let's fuel your comeback!

  1. Protein: You're a superhero, mama, and your body needs protein to rebuild and repair those hardworking tissues after childbirth. Load up on high-quality sources like meats (slow-cooked meat is a superfood), poultry, fish, eggs, and raw dairy if you have access to it! Snack on Greek yogurt, nuts, and seeds for an extra protein punch that'll help you feel strong and energized.

  2. Choline: Choline isn’t just important for baby’s development prenatally. It’s just as important postpartum for mama’s brain health. It can help reduce brain fog and fatigue, which are major buzzkills when you’re trying to enjoy your time with your new little loved one. Eggs, seafood, and liver are the highest sources of choline.

  3. Iron: We're talking about beating that postpartum fatigue, and iron is your secret weapon. Think iron-rich foods like red meat, poultry, fish, spinach, lentils, and dried fruits. Boost iron absorption by teaming it up with foods high in vitamin C like citrus fruits or bell peppers – they'll give you the power to conquer fatigue and keep up with your little bundle of joy.

  4. Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12 is hugely important for baby’s development both during pregnancy and postpartum, but is also vital for mama’s mental health. Babies who are deficient in B12 can be extra irritable, and that’s the same for mama. You can find B12 in red meat, liver, salmon, clams and oysters.

  5. Omega-3: You're all about being a wellness warrior, right? Omega-3 fatty acids are your allies in the trenches of postpartum. They fight inflammation and boost your physical and mental well-being. Get your fix from fatty fish like salmon and sardines. Some additional plant-based options include flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts for more omega-3s. But be aware that Omega-3 supplements are most impactful in the form of fish oil for postpartum recovery.

  6. Calcium: Calcium is essential for bone health, especially when you're breastfeeding. Dairy products like milk, yogurt, and cheese are top-notch calcium sources. If you're lactose intolerant, fear not! Nuts like almonds and seeds like flax and chia, bone-in sardines, and beans are also sources of calcium. Don't forget to soak up some vitamin D action from sunlight or a high quality supplement to level up calcium absorption.

  7. Fiber: Let’s be real – postpartum constipation is a buzzkill. Fiber is your trusty sidekick. Load up on whole grains, fruits, veggies, legumes, and nuts to keep things moving smoothly and maintain healthy digestion. Stay hydrated, and gradually increase your fiber intake to avoid any roadblocks.

  8. Magnesium: Magnesium is a mineral that (like most other nutrients) gets depleted after pregnancy. It can help with everything from sleep, to digestion! Looking for a high quality Magnesium supplement can be a challenge, especially if you’re looking for one that won’t upset your stomach. That’s why I love Gut Personal’s Miracle Worker- it comes in a powder that is just Magnesium Glycinate, and it is strawberry flavored… delightful! You can get a discount with the code “BLOOM” at checkout.

By adding these essential nutrients to your arsenal, you'll supercharge your healing process and rock this new chapter of motherhood. Don't forget to consult with your healthcare provider if you have any health concerns! Embrace your journey, nurture yourself with love and nutritious foods, and show the world the amazing mama you are. You got this!

And always, if you need more support, I am here to support you via nutrition coaching!


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